Charleston Garden Tour

This entry is perfect.

Do you need a little garden inspiration this Fall? I am always in search of new garden ideas to bring home with me. I am a sucker for any garden or home tour. I have also been known to bring the car to a screeching stop for a closer look at an inviting garden or charming house.

Take a little garden and window box tour with me for a closer look at a few gardens. Everyone needs to have the pleasure of visiting Charleston—maybe one of these images will inspire you.

Courtyards are everywhere in Charleston.

Green gardens, bricks and hedges—love.

What an inviting walkway.

I am planning next year’s window boxes now.

More is more.

More window box ideas for Spring.

Trees line the historic district streets.

I would love to see inside this gate.

Espalier is everywhere in Charleston.

xo♥, Lissy

All photos for You are welcome to ‘borrow’ my photos—just please credit and link the source


Ahh, Venice…


Charleston for the Weekend