A Little More Rome
More Roman Holiday coming right up.
It’s Friday. Let’s take a Roman Holiday tour for Easter. Sunny skies, green gardens, and a little escape are what we all need now.
We just had snow here last Friday and Saturday—crazy! Enjoy getting together with your family and friends this Easter season…no restrictions apply this year.
I am still thinking about the menu, maybe a nice ham served with potato salad and a few greens. I have no idea what dessert will be—but I see chocolate Cadbury Mini Eggs in my future. Enjoy the day!
What a beautiful day.
The tiles are laid in beautiful patterns on the roof.
Ceiling perfection.
It was a cold and windy day.
Gold and stained glass love.
Inside the colosseum.
This tour is amazing.
We all need a view like this one.
The Palatine Hill above the Tiber.
The Farnese Gardens were laid out on the hill in the 16th century.
Walks in Italy—yes, please.
xo♥, Lissy
All photos for lissyparker.com. You are welcome to ‘borrow’ my photos—just please credit and link the source.