The Perfect Shade of Green

The hydrangeas are ready to pop—the greenhouse is just at the end of the porch.

Good bones are what everyone wants in a house or garden. You can always fix the ugly with a little lipstick or stone in this case. I am shocked at the difference this small change has made in my back garden. A trip to the garden center happened shortly after this picture—even though they were closed we looked around. We do have a plan for the whole area, including the new greenhouse, shed/playhouse, and gravel and stone patio. Shrubs and bushes can be planted at any time up here, so shrubs and bushes are on my to-do list. No more half moss, half grass, and a plethora of holes and tree stumps to fall over.

Have a look around your garden and see where you can add a few plants or structure to fill in the blank spaces—I have quite a few after this winter.

The climbing hydrangeas are to the top of the 6ft wall!

We have been pressure washing all the porches—ready for a Summer gathering.

The gravel path is making gardening much easier.

Rain and cool weather=the perfect green!

xo♥, Lissy

All photos by Lissy Parker for You are welcome to ‘borrow’ my photos—just please credit and link the source.

REPOST: Originally posted 16/06/2023


Friday Flowers—Purple Smoke Bush


Summer Afternoon …